Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dinner & Laughter... The Story, Part Two

Before I start Part Two....

"Intense sexual attraction"

"Teenage pregnancy"

Sean... do you really, really think I want to talk about things like this at 8am????

My boy is growing up and I have no idea what to do!!!  HELP!

OK... on to Part Two.... THE BIG DINNER....

I felt very European walking through the grocery store with my basket in hand and shopping for balsamic vinegar and trying to figure out the difference between Bay leaves (which they had) and Basil leaves (which they didn't).

As the evening was approaching, Rich told me that I needed to have a talk with Sean.  I had to explain who was coming over and about how long they were going to stay.

I went into Sean's room and proceeded with said chat.   I then asked him why he didn't speak with my friend's daughter K yesterday.  They attend the same junior high and love the same book series.

"Who's she?"

Seriously, Sean?  Seriously???

"She's the one that was doing the tumbling on the mat last night.  You spent two hours with her."


Dinner went pretty well.  My friend and I couldn't time a doggone thing so when the potatoes were ready, we ate them.  When the bruschetta was perfectly spiced, the same.

When the chicken was finally served, Sean picked it up in his hand, took a bite out of it and then put it back down - not on his plate - but onto the serving plate.  After depositing his mouthful of potatoes back onto his plate, he moved over to standing by the garbage can to finish dinner.

Hey, you have to be happy that he tried.  Good job!!!

The rest of the evening was filled with laughter and making homemade pretzels. 

My friend's eldest daughter is awaiting her prom invite.  I guess the poor boys of today can no longer simply ask a girl.  No, in modern times it has to be a production that either rivals or bests the most exquisite of marriage proposals.  Not knowing she already had a date lined up I asked...

"Do you have your sites on anybody?"

From the adjoining room where he escaped to play computer, we hear...


Everyone burst into laughter.  The timing was impeccable.

Hey, appropriate response!  Good job again Sean!!!

He put cinnamon on his hot pretzel.  He learned the names of my friend's three daughters.  He tried new foods.  Although he opted to play computer, he did not head for his room and stayed instead within the vicinity of the party.

We laughed.  We joked.  We ate.

I think we all had a great time.

Even Sean.

And that makes for a most successful night!

Have a great day everyone!  Be safe out there.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear your dinner came out so well. I was worried about your bruschetta (with said SERIOUS CLUELESSNESS in play...)
